Wednesday was not an easy morning. After flying in at 2 am , I didn’t make it bed until around 4:30 and woke up at the crack of dawn at 6:30 am. Yep, you read that correctly. I slept a solid 2 hours before beautifying myself and making my way over to Lincoln Center for the Smart Girls Conference!
When I got to Lincoln Center I had to walk a little bit to get to the Fordham Campus, but luckily I found a few other lost Smart Sisters of mine and we made our way over together!
This one’s for all the Gossip Girls fans out there! I can’t say I didn’t fangirl a bit when I walked past the Empire Hotel! I was secretly hoping for a Chuck Bass siting, even though I knew it wasn’t gonna happen…
Day 1 of the Smart Girls Conference definitely exceeded my expectations! The event had amazing sponsors (Onli beverages, which were amazing btw, pictured above), great food, and wonderfully inspiring speakers! My favorite speakers that day were Stephanie Ruhle and Shiza Shahid. I definitely recommend looking them up (you can click the links to get brief bios).
Another highlight of my day? – Getting to meet Caroline, Sloane, Fran, and Chloe (not pictured, but will be in tomorrow’s post) for the first time! It is so much fun when blog friends become IRL (in real life) friends! I can’t even express how much I love these girls! I truly feel like I found my soul sisters and friends for life! (If you guys are reading, love you ladies!) The two days with them absolutely flew by, but we had a blast on all of our adventures!
After the conference, Caroline, Fran, and I went walking through central park to do outfit shoots (coming next week) and just take in the scenery. Central. Park. Is. So. Beautiful. I always forget how amazing it is, but every time I go in that park I begin wishing I had a place like that in LA to take afternoon strolls. For a concrete jungle (shoutout to Jay-Z and Alicia Keys), you can sure find quite a lot of greenery in this vast oasis from all the hustle and bustle.
After our stroll, we went to each others hotels, swapped out outfits (#bloggerprobs), and headed back to the park to do another shoot! Afterwards, we grabbed hotdogs from a nearby street cart, and curbed our sweet tooths with ice cream cones from Frostee. I’m not going to lie, I may or may not have wanted to get ice cream just because the truck was pink… #guilty. I snapped this photo of our tasty treats by the back of the truck just before the rain began to hit and we dashed into the nearby Shops at Columbus Circle. (Why I always find myself in a mall, I have no idea…)
Thankfully my amazing first day, made up for my lousy travel experience.
P.S. Please excuse my spelling and grammar errors. Since my plane had no working outlet, and my computer was dead, I had to wait to write this post till I got back to my house… It’s currently 1:50 LA time, 4:50 NYC time, and I have to be up for work in 5 hours. Wish me luck! (Just when you thought being a blogger was all rainbows and sunshine… Trust me, sometimes I need a reality check too)
LOVE this post Sammy!! I totally agree that we're soul sisters and I can't wait to see you again in person soooon!!!
Can't wait 'till tomorrow's post 😉
Cute photos Sammy! Love that you had so much fun in the city!
Constance || Prep Northwest
Thanks, doll! It was a blast!