I can’t believe I’m 27 today! To be honest, turning 27 feels extremely anti-climactic. First of all, it’s by no means a milestone birthday, and it now officially means I am in my *late* twenties. For me, being in my late twenties means I’m that much closer to entering my thirties, which is when I think I will really thrive. Now, if my mom was reading this (which she probably is, hi!!!), then she would tell me to stop trying to rush through my twenties and just enjoy where I am. And I am enjoying it! I just don’t feel like I was designed to be in my twenties. With the wedding so soon (95 days to go!), it feels like there is so much excitement to come that this birthday is barely a blip on the radar.
To be completely honest with you guys, my life looks completely different than what I thought it would at this age even 5 years ago. Growing up I used to dream of living in New York City in my twenties, going out to fabulous bars and restaurants with my girlfriends, and working in fashion. Now, my idea of a fun night, is going out to our favorite sushi spot and being in bed by 9. How things change… I used to think I would be one of the last of my friends to get married, and now I’m going to be one of the first! While I feel very settled and happy with where my life is right now, there is so much happening right now, it’s a little overwhelming. Wedding planning has been really fun and I’m genuinely enjoying it, but I also totally understand when I heard brides say they’re ready for it to be over. I’m ready for the wedding to come and for me to get to finally be married to Shane. While not much in our daily life will change since we already live together, I think it will be exciting to settle into the next phase of our life together and eventually hopefully start a family of our own!
While turning 27 feels anti-climactic, I think this year is going to be my biggest and best year yet.
Talk soon,