Last week I found I had been accepted into a special program through USC’s business school called “Learning about International Commerce” (LINC for short) that taking an 8 week long business course before going abroad for 10 days during spring break! I am so excited because my first choice destination was Buenos Aires, Argentina and I found out I was one of the 30 students picked to go!
My dad’s side of my family is from Argentina and so getting to visit the country is something I have dreamt about doing for such a long time, but never thought would actually happen! It feels so surreal that my dream is finally coming true! I’ve been to Europe before, but visiting South America sounds like such an amazing and unique experience! When I called my grandma and told her I was going, she could not be more excited… she’s even going to try to teach me Spanish before I leave!
All the photos I have seen of the city look so gorgeous and I can not wait to see it all in real life! The city is so vibrant and seems like it is full of so much life!
If any of you have ever been to Argentina before, I would love to hear your recommendations! We have our hotel and travel plans lined up through the school, but I’d love to know if you have suggestions for restaurants, shopping or must-visit spots while I’m there. Let me know in the comment section below!