January has been a very introspective month for me right from the very beginning. On New Year’s Eve, when I reflected on the year I’d had before I was filled with so much joy and pride. I mean, a lot of fun and exciting things happened in 2018!

For starters, I turned 21 and got to celebrate with my closest friends and family. I had an amazing summer internship with one of my favorite brands, Sugarfina, and I overcame one of my biggest health challenges I’ve ever tackled. When summer ended, I started my senior year at USC, began interning for one of my idols, and finished off the semester making the Dean’s List with the highest GPA I’ve had in college. In sum, 2018 was a big year for me.
Looking forward to 2019, I’ll admit is a little intimidating. Graduation is a scary thought! But, I’m also really really excited because I know big things are going to happen. I’m also hoping to take this year to make some more headway on my 101 in 1001 list, which I recently updated with some new things I’ve finished.
With graduation and “the real world” looming over my head, the question I’ve been getting the most often is what my plans for this blog are. I’ve talked about it before, but this blog was really started as a creative outlet and is a source of so much joy in my life. I don’t want that to change! I figure with a “real job” after I graduate I’m going to need a fun outlet just as much as ever. So, don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.
One big thing I’m trying to work on, and I think I’ve already improved up on if I do say so myself, is being more “real” on Instagram. I feel like for a while I’d put so much pressure on myself to post s picture that’s perfect or “on brand” that I’d end up going weeks without posting anything. What I realized though is that I’m the brand so if I like it, then it works!
Stay tuned later this week for a roundup up of my January Favorites! One of the things on my 101 in 1001 list is to stick to a monthly series for an entire year so I’m going to give this a shot.
love this sammy! i can totally relate to graduation and the job search looming over your head – I’m struggling with it too! would love to read your thoughts on it moving forward.