The past two weeks have been dreadfully long, but at the same time feel like they have flown by. I never understand how time can feel like that, but sometimes there is no other way to explain it. So many things have changed in the last two weeks! I mean, for starters, I’m officially a senior now! I can hardly believe it!
It was so difficult not logging on here every night, and I’ll admit, I had to fight the temptation more than a few times to just shoot out a quick post whenever I felt inspired, but I didn’t give in – as hard as that was!
Here are some of the things that have gone on in the past two weeks you may have missed!
I celebrated Memorial Day with a realizing day in the pool at home with some friends and family and I couldn’t have asked for a better day! It was such an amazing glimpse at what summer has in store for me this year!
On my last day of classes before finals, I made a stop at Starbucks (my favorite) to celebrate with iced coffee and pops of pink! #whatsummerismadeof
National Donut Day, aka my favorite holiday, was this past Friday and my friend and I headed down to Donut Friend! (Remember when I said I wanted to go there in this post?)it was absolutely delicious and the possibilities are endless! You can pick something fun off of their menu, or make a DIY donut and create something yourself! I opted for the classic sprinkles donut, which was definitely noteworthy!
Saying that I have been living in Lilly Callahan shorts for the past two weeks is definitely an understatement. They are honestly so, so comfortable, I would definitely say that they give J.Crew chinos a run for their money! I just got this print on Saturday and I am already obsessed! New summer uniform: Chambray Popover (pictured above) and one of my millions of pairs of Callahans! (Seriously though, I am fighting the urge to buy them in every print!)
Hot pink shorts and an iced Starbucks drink make for a perfect summer day in my opinion 🙂