+ Manage my time better
I think a big reason I struggled so much this past semester was that I was really bad at budgeting my time. I’m generally the kind of person who works well when I have a lot of things to do, but the problem was that I just wasn’t plotting my time appropriately and therefore I wasn’t getting the things I needed to do done. This semester I really want to get better about putting everything in my planner to make sure everything gets done and that I still have time for the fun stuff.
+ Do one active thing every day
I feel like I can get into kind of a rut when it comes to my fitness routine. The rut being that I don’t really have one. I feel like maybe by making it simpler and just saying that I want to do one active thing per day might make it easier for me to maintain some kind of routine. Whether it’s going to the gym, taking a fitness class, or even just doing a stretch or floor workout in my room, I just want to be active.
+ Keep an open mind
This semester I will be moving into my sorority house, which will be such a different experience from living in my dorm or apartment. I’m really excited for the opportunities to make new friends in the house as well as opportunities to do new things. I really want to focus on keeping an open mind to meeting new people and trying new things that I maybe wouldn’t have necessarily tried before.