There are so many amazing things to be grateful for. I love this time of year because, even though you should be grateful all year round, it seems like everyone is generally more considerate of others and a lot more appreciative!
I’m so thankful for every single person who is apart of my life – My friends who have always go my back, all the people who make me laugh, my amazing, loving family, and last but not least, YOU!
My journey with blogging has been exactly that – a journey. The way the blog has grown, and developed, and changed in the last year and a half blows my mind. Not only has the blog become more popular, but the style has changed. Also, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to interact with so many readers, which is one of my favorite parts of having this blog! I love getting emails, tumblr questions, and tweets so much! I feel like all of you guys are my friends, even though we’ve never met before. Without you guys, none of this would be possible and I probably would’ve given up a long time ago. So for that, I thank YOU.
I hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving!