I remember on New Year’s Eve 2019, feeling an overwhelming sense of uncertainty to be entering a new year. 2019 was a great year for me. I graduated college, started my dream job, met my boyfriend, went on some amazing trips, and really felt like I had come into my own. I knew there was no way 2020 could be better than that, but I had no idea how right I really was. Overall though, it would be extremely insensitive of me to complain about last year. Was it the best? Definitely not. Was it the worst? No! In comparison to so many, I walked out of 2020 with my health, my family, my job, and my friends and for that I am so grateful.

Growing up, my mom would always say to me, “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle” and I think that really speaks to the lessons I learned in 2020. It was hard and it definitely got to me at times, but it forced me to slow down, and focus on the things that were in my control. When I stepped back and was grateful for all the things I had, it actually made me so much happier! I was able to enjoy the time at home and honestly, I found I really enjoyed the slower-paced life!
If you continued to follow along with me on Instagram, you probably noticed I did a lot more cooking in the past year than ever before. I used to be the worst cook, but after experimenting in the kitchen I realized I actually LOVE it! I would say it’s definitely one of my favorite hobbies now and one of the best outcomes of 2020. I also spent way more time outside, and ended the year with an amazing trip to see some of the National Parks in Utah.
I was able to spend the last year evaluating the things that are really important to me and as a result, I’m entering the new year more inspired and motivated than ever before! If there’s one thing 2020 taught me it’s that circumstances out of your control will only make a bad year, if you let them. But, it’s your choice. Personally, I’m choosing to make 2021 great. There’s so much in store for all of us.
After all that rambling, you’re probably wondering my what my goals for 2021 actually are (or you don’t care lol) but I wanted to keep that separate from this rant. I’ll be sharing a roundup of my goals here tomorrow so stay tuned!