Let me just lay one thing out on the table. I don’t work out. I tell myself I work out. I mean I’ve been to Soulcycle like 5 times, so that’s gotta count for something right? Who cares if my motivation was purely my desire to try out the latest trendy fitness class, so I could seem “cool?” I still went, didn’t I?! I think it counts. It definitely counts.
Anyways, the main reason I like to tell myself that I work out is because I love cute workout clothes and accessories, so I try (try being the keyword here) to convince myself that I need those cute running shorts today because I am definitely going to become a marathon runner starting tomorrow morning. (Get the picture?) I don’t just mean the typical Lululemon yoga pants that can double as loungewear either (Even though I do love a good pair of lulus). Just the other day I tried to talk myself into buying a Tory Burch Fitbit for all that marathon training I’m going to be doing. (insert crying/laughing emoji here)
So, since I really can’t justify buying any of the cute workout clothes I need want (I’m still probably going to buy these cute shorts though because #ginghamstyle), I decided I’d just gather some of them together to share with all my other marathon runners out there.
Krass & Co. Design Darling Shorts | Tory Burch Fitbit Necklace
Adidas Running Shoes | Lululemon Water Bottle
J.Crew Hair Ties (on sale!) | J.Crew Headband (on sale!)