By far the question I get asked most is “What does Preptista mean?” I’ve gone back and forth multiple times on how to address this, but I thought today, seeing as it is my 200th post on the blog (yippee!), was the right time to do so. Here’s the low down on the name…
{That’s my actual cursive handwriting!}
How did you come up with the name Preptista?
Preptista is a word I made up one day when I was brainstorming blog ideas.
What does Preptista mean?
What does Preptista mean?
It’s my way of combining the words “prepster” and “fashionista.”
How do you pronounce it?
How do you pronounce it?
prep – Tee – sta! No, not Prep-ee-sta, not Prep-sta, Prep-Tee-sta!
Do you actually refer to yourself as “Preptista?”
Do you actually refer to yourself as “Preptista?”
Sometimes my friends and I or my family and I will joke about it, but as a general rule, I try not to refer to myself in the third person.
At first the name didn’t really have much of a significance to me, but I’ve kind of grown into the word and the word has grown and adapted to me. I like it because it’s a representation of who I am at any given moment. Since I’m “The Preptista” the name doesn’t restrict me or the blog at all. “Preptista” can mean whatever I want it to mean at any given time in my life. I define the word, not the other way around.
I hope this shed a little bit of light on the story behind the name. I always love it when people ask me questions via email, tumblr, or twitter, so please never be shy to-do so!
P.S. Check out my “Tea Talk Tuesday” interview today on Sydney Huss!