I’d like to start off this week by apologizing for being a little bit MIA lately. School has been absolutely insane and I’ve been fighting off a nasty cold (at least I think it’s a cold) for nearly two weeks now, so I haven’t been able to make my blog as much of a priority as I would like to. This weekend I am of to San Francisco to stay with my “big sis’s” family for the weekend! I am so excited to get to explore and have a weekend off from normal college life. Here are this weeks peaks and valleys:
Peaks: I officially don’t have strep throat, the weather is actually cooling down in LA (I wore a sweater today and yesterday), and I’m off to San Francisco!
Valleys: My lymph nodes are about the size of golf balls right now trying to fight off whatever is going on with me and my key broke inside the lock to my door.
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These pumpkin energy bites look delicious!
I’m in love with these custom gingham notepads!
Meet Samson the Goldendoodle (basically me in dog form)
Tips for coping with stress
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