Despite how crazy busy I have been this week with homework, it’s actually been a really good week! I worked super hard and got all of my homework for the entire week done by Wednesday afternoon, so I was able to go listen to Ben Shapiro speak to our Republicans Club on Wednesday night, go to a mixer afterwards, and then have a blast at my mom’s holiday party last night! It’s so crazy for me to think that I’ve already been at school for 3 full months as of today! Time really does fly… On Tuesday I’ll be home for four nights for Thanksgiving break! I’m working on getting some fun Holiday Gift Guides ready for you all very soon, but in the mean time check out the new Holiday Shop by selecting it on the Navigation Bar or clicking here! I hope everyone has a super fun weekend!
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I love this holiday look on Sydney!
The most Instagrammed locations in every state
Fall Booties under $100 (written by yours truly for the Daily Trojan)
Dying to try these Turtle Brownies… they look so good!
Fran shared some super cute Thanksgiving outfit ideas on her blog! I’ll be posting a couple next
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