Last night, while sitting down to write a blog post, I somehow found myself perusing J.Crew and falling in love with everything, so I had a thought: How much would it cost if I put everything I wanted in my cart. I started going from section to section, scrolling through and pressing “add to cart” whenever I found something I wanted to buy, and pretending I had an unlimited bank account.
At the end, my total came a little bit above $1,100 with everything at full price, which when you think of it is not thaaat high when you consider J.Crew prices. I think the reason for this is that although there are a ton of items at J.Crew that I think are absolutely adorable, I don’t actually want all of them for myself. You know what I mean?
After I used the “GOSHOPPING” promo code to get 30% off all full priced items and 40 % off the sale items, my total dropped to slightly above $800. (a number that is a little bit easier to digest…) The hard thing about shopping with J.Crew these days is it seems like they are ALWAYS having some kind of sale. Honestly, it feels plain stupid to buy anything at full price from there anymore. Once in a blue moon, if there is no discount being offered, I use my student discount in store to get 15% off. (Teachers, that discount applies to you too! Hooray!)
Anyways, here are the items I put in my shopping cart:

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