I have spent so much time browsing online stores lately I think I’ve developed the skills of being a professional online shopper (Is that a job? If not, can I make it one?) It’s not necessarily that I’ve been looking for anything in particular, but I honesty find browsing Nordstrom extremely relaxing… I don’t even put anything in my cart – I literally just scroll through the pages. Anyways, given my newfound skills I’ve been spotting some of the cutest dresses for under $100! These dresses are perfect for end of summer parties and transitioning into fall and I seriously love all of them. How cute is the pink bow dress? My heart skipped a beat when I saw it and I didn’t even hesitate when putting it in my cart! Also, the striped dress is to. die. for. (#navyornothing am I right?) You can browse the dresses below and you can shop them (plus a couple others) by clicking the icons underneath the photo!