This post has been requested so many times I honestly stopped keeping track a while ago. I was waiting until I finally got into some kind of routine at school to make this; however, when I was assigned to make a map of a day in my life in one of my design classes this semester, I figured what better time than to just use the project for my blog? In the gif below, you can see a basic outline of what my Thursdays typically look like and I’ll go into a little more detail about it all below.
When I say I wakeup at 6:45, I mean my alarm goes off at 6:45 and I usually get out of bed 10 minutes later. Once I’m up, I head into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I’m back in my room I proceed with my morning skincare routine and let those products work their magic while I pick out my outfit for the day and get dressed. After I’m dressed and I feel like the skincare products are pretty well absorbed, I’ll usually apply a little bit of makeup — typically just some concealer under my eyes, a little bit of bronzer, and some mascara (I’ve been absolutely loving this mascara lately thanks to Grace’s recommendation.) Luckily, since I live in my sorority house, we have breakfast already made and ready by the time I get downstairs, so I’ll usually grab a quick bite to eat before I head out the door. Having 8:00 am class is obviously not ideal, but it is so nice when I finish class early in the afternoon and get a head start on the weekend! I’m actually starting my fall internship this week (more on that to come), so I won’t have free Thursday afternoons anymore, but I’m sooo excited to start my job I don’t even care. If you guys like this post, maybe I’ll do a new one in the next few weeks once I get into a routine with work.
I finish class at 12:20 on Thursdays and usually head back home, grab a salad or something light for lunch, and then change to go to the gym. Unless I’m doing some kind of workout class, I like to do light cardio for 30 min (usually 3 miles on the elliptical) followed by 15 minutes of abs and weights. After I’m done at the gym, I come home, shower, and then just hang out for a tiny bit before starting to work on homework for the rest of the afternoon.
Thursday nights are one of my favorite nights to go out with my friends. We don’t do it every week, but when we do it’s always so much fun. We’ll usually start off with some kind of low-key dinner either at our sorority or somewhere casual around campus. After dinner, we’ll come back home, and get ready to go out before meeting up with our friends. When it’s a week night I like to try and be home in bed by 1:00 am at the latest otherwise the next day won’t be too pretty. This will probably change now that I’m starting work this week and will be working all day on Fridays.
I hope you all enjoyed this post! It was so much fun making this gif for my class and it’s even more fun that I get to share it all with you. It’s so rewarding to be able to directly connect what I’m working on in school with my passions. Let me know if you’d be interested in a similar post once I start work. Also, would be interested in me sharing going out outfit inspiration?